
Status Locking – Customer Appreciation Summer Week 9

This week’s feature in our Customer Appreciation Summer is another top request. You can now apply status restrictions to not only the setting of a status, but also to the un-setting of that status. In other words, once you set an issue to “Closed” (for example), the only people that can change it away from “Closed” are the people that are allowed to set “Closed” in the first place.


This feature is opt-in. If you’d like to turn it on, navigate to your status configuration in project settings and click “Permissions” next to the status you want to restrict. Then check the new “Also restrict unsetting this status” checkbox.

This new option is available as part of your account-level project defaults as well.

This additional restriction will be enforced in the iOS app starting with version 3.4, which we just made available.

While we were making changes to the status permission dialog we also added tooltips that better explain what each option does.

See you next week!