
Sort by Percent Progress – Customer Appreciation Summer Week 1

It’s that time of year again! We are kicking off our fourth annual Customer Appreciation Summer. As in past years, during the summer we will be releasing a new feature every week pulled from the suggestions our customers have made in our feedback forum.

Our focus with these features is on the smaller “quality of life” improvements that can often slip under the radar.

In that spirit, our first Customer Appreciation Summer feature is the ability to sort checklists and tests by line answer percentage. This new sort is called “Percent Progress”.

This new sort option sorts on the number of “Yes” and “N/A” responses within a given checklist or test as a percentage of all answerable lines.

A forthcoming update to the iOS app will also include this new sorting option.

Users can now quickly gauge progress on line items while identifying potential problems or bottlenecks. We’ll be releasing plenty more features in the coming weeks, including some other high demand sorting and filtering options. We hope you’re looking forward to it!