We all know the story: you create 100 checklists based on a template, only to realize that you need to add one more line. Now you have to find the checklists, delete them, update the template, and create all 100 again.
But no more! With the new “Push Changes” feature, all you have to do is add the line to the template and click the “Push Changes” button. All 100 checklists will be updated with the line you just added. Go get another cup of coffee with all that time you just saved!
This has been our most-requested feature and we are thrilled to be able to deliver it.

You may be wondering, what if the checklists or tests are partially completed? Will it still work then? Yes! Answers, notes, attribute values, associated files and issues – all of those can be part of a checklist or test and it can still be updated via “Push Template Changes”.
There are a couple of prerequisites that determine which checklists and tests can be updated via “Push Template Changes”. First, the checklists or tests need to have been created from a project template. Second, they need to have been created after September 25, 2019. Finally, the checklists or tests can not have been structurally modified – i.e., if you edited a line’s question, added or deleted lines, or reordered lines then that particular checklist or test is excluded.
Don’t worry, you can review which checklists or tests will be updated and the updates that will be applied prior to pushing changes. You can also exclude specific checklists or tests by unchecking them prior to pushing changes. Read our support article for more details.
Earlier I noted that this was our most-requested feature. I can only say that because of the feature request forum we rolled out last year which has been a tremendous resource for us as we decide what features to prioritize. If you are a CxAlloy user, I encourage you to let us know what features you’d like to see at feedback.cxalloy.com.