
Phone Numbers – Customer Appreciation Summer Week 2

This week’s release for Customer Appreciation Summer is a simple but useful improvement: we’ve added a phone number field throughout the application. Technically this field was always there (you could set it on your profile page) but we didn’t show it in many places.

The “Phone Number” field is now available when adding users

The phone number field is now available where you would expect:

  • When adding a new user to a project or account
  • When viewing a user in a project or account
  • When editing a user in a project or account
  • When exporting account or project users
  • When adding a person to a Meeting distribution list
  • When viewing a Meeting distribution list
  • When exporting or PDF’ing a Meeting distribution list

As a bonus, we also updated the date for Meetings to include the year. A tiny feature but highly requested!

The year: small but important

See you next week!