
Upcoming App Update Drops Support for iOS 7

Two months ago we shared some details about our upcoming update to our iOS app that will, among other things, allow you to use it alongside other apps on the iPad.

This update is currently in review with Apple and will be released soon. Importantly, the update will not support iOS 7. If you are running iOS 7, you will need to update to iOS 8 or iOS 9 to get the update. Every device that is running iOS 7, with the exception of the iPhone 4, can be updated to iOS 8 or iOS 9.

Supported Devices

Any iOS device that can run iOS 8 or iOS 9 will be able to run the updated CxAlloy TQ app. The full list of supported devices is:

  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 4
  • iPad Air
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Mini 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPod Touch (5th Generation)
  • iPod Touch (6th Generation)

New TQ Release Tells You Who Answered Checklist and Test Lines, Plus Much More

Over the weekend we released a big update to CxAlloy TQ. There’s a lot in this one and you can read about all the improvements in our release notes, but I want to dive into three new features in particular:

  • Checklist and test line changes
  • New embedding options for files and folders in reports
  • Project duplication

Checklist and Test Line Changes

For years we’ve been tracking the full history of checklist and test lines, including who answered each line. We’ve known this information could be useful but we just hadn’t figured out how to show it without it being overwhelming.

After a few false starts and back-to-the-drawing-board course shifts, we’ve finally got something that we like. What you’ll find is that any line can now be expanded to show who answered the line, who wrote the note, and who recorded the linked attribute. We’ll also show you the date and time for each of those.


This data has been extended to the PDF reports as well with the addition of a new print option, “Answered By”. Check it to see the same detailed information in your PDF.

This update gave us an opportunity to make some other changes as well. You’ll now find that instead of an “Actions” button for each line, the Edit, Delete, and Add Line actions are now shown as icons when the line is expanded. We’ve also added new “Expand Lines” and “Collapse Lines” options under “Section Actions” to hide or show these actions for all lines.

Another new feature: you’ll find a fourth icon below the three actions: History. Clicking this will bring up a list of all changes of any kind that have happened to that line including who made the change and when. This can be useful when a line has had its answer changed or other important edits.


Another goal of this update was to make it easier and faster to see and confirm attribute values. To accomplish this we have pulled the linked attribute information out of the “Note” area and now show it to the right of each line. This change takes a process that used to be four clicks:

  • click “Yes” or the checkmark icon
  • click “Note”
  • click “Use value X”
  • click “Save”

and brings it down to one click:

  • click “Confirm X”

When confirming an attribute value the line will be marked “Yes” if it has not already been answered. Of course you can still correct a value instead of confirming it, or enter totally new values when there is nothing to confirm, just like before.

That’s a lot so far but we did more. We’ve heard your complaints and we no longer number header lines! Be aware, this change isn’t in the iOS app just yet but will be there very soon.

There’s even more than that, such as improvements to the bar showing the percentage of lines answered and autosizing text boxes. You can find all the details in our release notes.

New Embedding Options for Files and Folders

We are committed to continuously improving our report generator. In this release we’ve added some oft-requested new options for “File” and “Folder” sections. You can now choose what quality the embedded file(s) should have as well as whether they are shrunk to fit in the margins (the default) or take up the whole page.

These options allow you to create a more professional look when integrating in external documents (such as an executive summary) into the report.


Project Duplication

We’ve had project duplication in beta for quite a while and have slowly been updating it based on feedback. We now feel that it is ready to be rolled out to everyone. You’ll now find a “Duplicate” button next to each project in your account-level project list. When duplicating a project, you’ll be able to choose what to duplicate. Some of the additions we made to this based on the feedback we received are the options to duplicate people, folders, and report generator settings.

Duplicating a project is a great option for situations where you are commissioning many similar projects, such as a chain of fast food restaurants or grocery stores.

Because duplicating a project also duplicates the project’s settings, including custom statuses, it could also be used as a type of project template system. You could identify a past project as the template for your retro-commissioning projects, for example, and a different project as the template for your new construction projects.

Bonus: Speed Improvements

Special bonus! We received some concerns from a customer that was experiencing long load times on one of their project’s review and issue lists. When we looked into it we discovered that certain projects with a lot of reviews or issues and frequent sharing through the “Permissions” function could see these long load times. So we fixed it! For the particular project that our customer brought to us we have been able to improve load times by between 80 and 90 percent when using the 500 per-page setting.

Just like this speed increase, many of the updates in this release come from customers reaching out to tell us what we can do better. So thank you to anyone that sent us an email, gave us a call, or talked to us in person about how we could improve. And keep it coming! We are always listening at

Soon You Can Use the CxAlloy TQ iOS App Side-by-Side With Other Apps

You may have read news about an upcoming update for the iPhone and iPad, iOS 9. Among the usual litany of new features, one feature in particular stands out: the ability to run two apps side-by-side on the iPad.

Soon you’ll be able to view a drawing at the same time that you create issues in CxAlloy TQ, or reference an email while updating a checklist, or run calculations while completing a test, all because you’ll be able to run other apps right next to the CxAlloy TQ app.

In order for an app to be used this way it has to be updated to take advantage of the feature. We are hard at work on an update for the CxAlloy TQ app that will allow you to use it side-by-side with other apps. This has been a major undertaking for us as we have had to rewrite all of the interface parts of the app, but we got started early and are nearing the finish line.

iOS 9 will be released on September 16, and we anticipate that we’ll have a beta release within a few weeks of that date and a full release coming soon after.

Side-by-Side Limitations

Not every device that can run the CxAlloy TQ app can use the new multitasking features. The feature is limited to specific iPad models. In addition, there are two forms of multitasking available, Slide Over and Split View, and support for each of these varies.

With Slide Over, although both apps are on screen, only one app can be used at a time. With Split View, both apps can be used simultaneously.


Dropping iOS 7 Support

As part of this update we will be dropping support for iOS 7. If you are running iOS 7, you will need to update to iOS 8 or iOS 9 to get the update. Every device that is running iOS 7, with the exception of the iPhone 4, can be updated to iOS 8 or iOS 9.

Supported Devices

Any iOS device that can run iOS 8 or iOS 9 will be able to run the updated CxAlloy TQ app. The list of those devices is included here for convenience.

  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 4
  • iPad Air
  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Mini
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Mini 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6
  • iPhone 6 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPod Touch (5th Generation)
  • iPod Touch (6th Generation)

More Attribute Control, File Tagging, and Equipment on iOS

Our latest release includes a long-awaited improvement to attributes, a new file tagging feature, and many other small improvements.


Attributes are a well-loved part of CxAlloy TQ. However, up until now you did not have full control over the list of attributes. You could add to the list, but you couldn’t edit or remove any of the 300 default attributes.

After the most recent release, this is no longer the case. You now have full control over each project’s attribute list, so you can add, remove, and edit any of the attributes.

(For those that don’t know, attributes are additional data associated with equipment and other assets, such as “Manufacturer”, “Model Number”, “Capacity”, “Airflow”, etc.)

Attributes now also work like other project settings — your account-level attributes have become the defaults for new projects.

We knew that many people would want to clean up their attribute list after this release, so we also added a new “Merge” function for attributes. Merging attributes will update all related items (such as checklists or equipment) that use those attributes to the new merged attribute. Before merging you will see a count of how many items will be affected so you can better decide whether to proceed with the merge. We now also show this information when deleting attributes.


File Tagging

The other big change in this release is the addition of file tagging. After uploading and attaching a file, you can assign it any number of tags. The list of available tags is managed by you and works like any other project setting.

Right now tagging is just additional information you can add to a file. In the future, we plan to leverage these tags to give greater control over reports and to improve file exports. An upcoming blog post will outline some of these plans and give some examples of how tags can be used to implement more complex project needs.


File Previews and Batch Actions

The new tagging feature is accompanied by an update to the look of attached files and new functionality. One of the nicest additions is the ability to preview files directly in the browser. Previously, clicking on a file name would download the file. Now it opens a preview. From the preview you can download the file or take other actions, such as deleting or renaming it.

We’ve also added batch actions for attached files, allowing you to download, delete, and tag multiple files at once.


Other Improvements

We made other improvements to the site, including:

  • Automatically detecting links in attributes.
  • Improving the display of attributes for assets.
  • Bug fixes.

You can see all these updates and past updates in our release notes.

Equipment on iOS

We also released a new version of the iOS app that adds a whole new section: Equipment. You can now view equipment data in the app, change the status of equipment, and view, edit, and add attribute data.

The new equipment section also includes a “Nearby” section that shows you equipment in the same room or system as the equipment you are currently looking at. This makes it easy to walk into a room and update all the equipment in that room without having to search or scroll through the list of equipment. We would love your feedback on this as we plan to add it to other sections.

As always, this version also addressed a number of bugs.


Engineering Challenge

These updates required significant effort and testing to ensure that your projects continued to work just as expected across all our platforms: the web, iPad and iPhone, and our offline Chrome app. The attribute change, in particular, involved updating millions of records in our database, handling old clients in our mobile sync, and code updates across the entire site.

In the end, we think it came out pretty good. I hope you feel the same way. As always, let us know what more we can do to make CxAlloy TQ better.

Reports for Everyone!

CxAlloy has always featured amazing reports. In particular, our report generator, perhaps our most powerful reporting capability, could save you enormous amounts of time by combining all your project content and outputting it as a single, organized, bookmarked PDF.

Because the report generator is so impressive, we almost always demonstrate it in our webinars and other presentations. However, until a few days ago, the report generator itself was part of our premium features. Premium features were optional and added an additional charge, which was frustrating to many of our customers.

So we changed it! Today the report generator is included in every project at no additional charge. To celebrate this change and to help those who may not be familiar with the power of the report generator, we will be hosting a special webinar on Thursday, May 28 at 2:00 PM Eastern focused solely on the report generator.

You will find the report generator under the “Reports” tab in your projects. You can also read an overview of our reporting features, including the report generator, on our website.

White Labeling

What does this mean for premium features? We have replaced our premium features with one of its former members, “White Labeling.” White labeling allows you to substitute the logo on the site and in the footer of the PDFs with your own company logo.

Recent Updates

In addition to opening up the report generator for everyone, our latest release added a new look for issue and field observation comments, improvements to the display of custom logos, and multiple recipients for receipts.

We also made some behind-the-scenes changes to how we handle image and file uploads. These upgrades will increase the quality of embedded PDFs in the reports you create, and have made it possible to embed non-PDF files (such as Word and Excel files) into your reports. The ability to embed non-PDF files is currently in beta.

These are just the changes in our most recent release. We’ve had multiple releases since the beginning of the year, including:

  • View the percentage of lines answered for checklists and tests and include this information in your PDF reports.
  • Improved performance, better searching, and additional sorts for checklist and test pages.
  • Improvements to including external files in the report generator, including title pages, bookmarks, and the ability to embed all files in a folder.
  • Added “Set Status of All Sections” and “Assign All Sections” buttons to checklists.
  • Added paging to issues in field observations and reviews to improve performance for very large reports.
  • Added dedicated import for systems and equipment types (making it possible to import attribute information for them).
  • Color, contrast, and style improvements.

You can see these updates and more in our release notes.Reports for Everyone!

CxAlloy Survey Results

Several months back, we invited CxAlloy TQ users to complete a survey in order to identify the features you would most like to see.

Because you all were so generous with your time and insight, I’d like to return the favor and outline our findings. Your participation in the survey has really helped us understand where we should focus our efforts.

We want to be open with the results because we truly see ourselves as your partner with a shared goal of project success, and in any good partnership, open and honest communication is key.

Barcodes vs. Meeting Minutes

As we were putting the survey together, our team was working on some initial designs for integrating barcode support into the software and app. Although we were excited about the potential for barcodes, in our research efforts we were having some troubling conversations — our customers didn’t seem to have any experience with using barcodes on a project. When we investigated further, we found indifference about barcode functionality (i.e. “That sounds cool but I don’t know if I would use it”). Meanwhile, we received several emails over a short period of time asking us to build meeting minutes. We started to wonder: were we spending our time on the wrong thing? We decided to pause our efforts on barcoding until we got the survey results.

It’s a good thing too because the survey showed that barcodes were the least desired feature¹ compared to the four other features we pitted against it. The clear winner was meeting minutes.


Meetings are Coming

Because of your feedback, we have shifted our focus to meeting minutes. In fact, after months of research, discussions with customers, and reviews of real-world minutes, we realized we need to incorporate more than just minutes — so we are building a new “Meetings” section.

I don’t want to share too much, but currently we are planning to incorporate:

  • Tasks
  • Agendas
  • Distribution Lists
  • Attendance Lists
  • Minutes
  • Issues

Other Features

Another question in our survey asked participants to select five features out of ten that they would like to see. These are all features that we believe in, but we wanted to know which ones we should prioritize. The top choice, a more flexible template builder, is now in the planning stages.


A separate question asked survey takers to rank features based on their usefulness. The features in this question were more speculative — ones we thought might be a good idea weren’t as sure about. In keeping with that, there weren’t strong winners or losers here, but we are looking to these results in prioritizing features. For example, we recently rolled out due date filtering in the issues list, and we will be debuting tasks as part of our Meetings feature.


The Difference Between Contractors, Project Managers, and Commissioning Agents

Over 100 CxAlloy TQ users responded to the survey. Respondents varied in their roles within CxAlloy TQ projects; while the majority were commissioning professionals that use the software to document their projects, we also got responses from administrative professionals, project managers, project executives, and contractors. We knew that these different groups had different reasons for using the software and different experiences with it; the survey showed us that those differences affected how the software was perceived and what we needed to do to make it better.

In particular we found that our favorability ratings (as measured by respondents’ willingness to recommend the software) were meaningfully different across the different user groups. On one end of the spectrum, we had administrative professionals, followed closely be commissioning authorities, who really love the software. On the other end, we had contractors who were closer to neutral on it. Project managers landed in the middle of these two groups.

These results are not that surprising as CxAlloy TQ was designed specifically to target the needs of the commissioning professional; so it makes sense that we would be favored by them. However, one of the core philosophies behind CxAlloy TQ is facilitating collaboration. We want to help you involve all project stakeholders in the commissioning process in a way that truly works. If the software is frustrating or of little use for some of those stakeholders, then we need to do better.

Ultimately, you, the commissioning professional, are more likely to hear the complaints from these stakeholders than we are. And that makes your job harder. These things are all interconnected. Providing every stakeholder a better experience with CxAlloy TQ should, in turn, make it easier for you to successfully leverage CxAlloy TQ on your projects and get even more value from it.

Our Direction

How is this insight going to manifest in the software? We now see our need to improve the software for each of these distinct user groups simultaneously.

For project managers, we are working to incorporate more features that can answer the question, “What is the status of my projects?” We want to make it easy to answer questions like:

  • How is the mechanical contractor doing on filling out the checklists?
  • What checklists remain to be completed?
  • Who is delaying the closing of issues?
  • Is the equipment ready to be tested? Have all related issues and checklists been closed or completed?

In the case of contractors, the focus will be in two areas: first, improving the reliability and speed of our mobile apps. Second, looking for ways we can make common tasks simpler and easier to complete. This could include things like:

  • Minimizing the number of clicks (or taps) necessary to answer a checklist line.
  • Making it easier to find the remaining work a contractor needs to complete.
  • Combining or automating certain steps, such as setting the status of a checklist or commenting and changing the status of an issue.
  • Making common actions more obvious, such as commenting on an issue or adding a photo.

For commissioning professionals, we will focus on making them more efficient. This group is where we’ll add “power user” features to make data creation and management easier and faster.


1. This doesn’t mean that barcodes are out the window. It’s important to remember that this survey was just a sample of our current customers, and there may be a contingent that desperately wants barcodes (which maybe now we’ll hear from). There may also be a chicken and egg situation, in which potential customers never sign on with CxAlloy TQ in the first place because we don’t have integrated barcode functionality. However, it does mean that if we add barcoding, our approach to rolling it out needs to contemplate these findings. Rather than rolling out the feature and saying “have at it,” we would want to combine it with an education campaign about how barcodes can benefit a project. We would need to educate our customers on why they would want to start barcoding when they haven’t before. That’s a very different task than simply adding a highly-requested feature.

More Easily Integrate External Files into Reports and Other Great Additions

We’ve just rolled out an update that makes several improvements to our report generator, along with other additions.

First, we’ve added a new Folder section. This new section will allow you to easily add a folder of PDF files to your report. You might have a “Meeting Minutes” folder containing PDFs of your meeting minutes. Or, perhaps you have a “TAB” folder containing all the TAB reports. The new Folder section will allow you to easily include these documents in your report without having to select each file individually.

We also updated the report generator so that Custom Title Page and File sections will be bookmarked. We have also added a title page (with the ability to specify a custom title and subtitle) for the File section.

Another time-saving addition is the ability to restrict a status as part of your project defaults. Previously a status could only be restricted once a project was created, meaning that you had to remember to go in and restrict any statuses every time you created a new project. Now you can specify the status permissions in your project defaults. Currently this is limited to restricting to “Owner, Co-Owner, and Manager”.

This release features two more crowd-pleasing changes: field observation comments now sort in ascending order instead of descending order, and when adding someone to a project you can choose whether to subscribe them to daily digest emails for that project.

Of course, this release includes the usual small improvements and other bug fixes. You can read more in our release notes.

Better Visibility into Checklist and Test Progress

Today’s release is headlined by a highly-requested feature: the ability to see, at a glance, the progress of your checklists or tests.

A small progress bar now appears next to checklists and tests. Green is the percentage of lines marked “Yes”. Red is the percentage of lines marked “No”. And black is the percentage marked “N/A”.

Previously the only way to to get this information was to look at each checklist or test and scan the answers yourself. We think this new approach is a huge improvement. We thank all of our customers that requested it!

Today’s release includes a number of other improvements as well. Many of these improvements we are initially rolling out to checklists and tests but will come to other sections later on.

Additional Sorts. You can now sort checklists and tests by any asset type (Equipment, Equipment Type, System, Space, Floor, Zone, and Building).

Custom Status Sort. Sorting by status will now sort in the order defined in your project settings, not alphabetically.

Improved Performance. We’ve done a lot of work to increase the speed of checklist and test page loads, especially on larger projects.

Improved Search. The search functionality for checklists and tests has been improved and expanded. Searching for multiple words will now treat each word as a separate search term, and you can exclude a term by putting a “-” in front of it. To search for an exact phrase (the default behavior of the previous search), put your search in quotes.

Layout Changes. A new layout for the checklist and test lists gives us room for the new progress bars, but it also addresses complaints about names being truncated. We’ve also moved the “Note” button for checklist and test lines to the left, next to the “Add Issue” button.

Increased Contrast. We’ve darkened up the text in some spots and made our colors a little brighter.

Bug Fixes

  • We’ve fixed a bug where the undo function would sometimes fail.
  • We have replaced the 1000 per page option with 500. We also have switched those that still had the legacy “All” setting over to 500.
  • When clicking “Note” for a line that has a linked attribute, focus will now be placed in the attribute field.
  • We’ve improved the issue export function to include more data.


Functional Tests and Future iOS App Updates

Our mobile apps continue to be a point of focus for us, and in that vein I’d like to share with you some recent and upcoming updates.

In late September, we released version 1.5 of the iOS app, which added functional tests. Functional tests on iOS feature the same extensive functionality of our checklists. In addition to filling out a test, the app allows you to make in-the-field modifications, including creating new test attempts and editing, deleting, creating, and reordering test lines. Of course, just as with checklists, you can create issues from test lines and attach photos.

All of this functionality is available offline, and the changes you make will sync up to the server the next time you connect to the internet with the app.

Going forward, we have several updates on our roadmap. Our next feature release will feature some great improvements to new issue creation. First, you’ll be able to attach photos to an issue while creating the issue. Second, we are bringing the convenience of our “field locking” feature to mobile to make creating multiple issues quick and painless.


After that release we are going to take some time to work on some low-level improvements to our sync engine to make sure your time with the app is always solid and worry free.

Finally, our first feature release in 2015 will be a big one: we will be adding a dedicated section to view and update equipment data. We think there are some awesome things we can do on a mobile device with equipment and we look forward to telling you more about it in the coming months.

CxAlloy Security And “Shellshock”

You may have read media reports about the discovery of a computer bug that could put the security of web sites at risk, dubbed “Shellshock” by some in the media.

I want to assure you that we have kept abreast of the issue and have updated all of the CxAlloy servers with the recent patches that fix the bug.

In addition, based on the information currently known about this bug, it is unlikely that CxAlloy servers were vulnerable prior to the patch as our particular server configuration has not been shown to be vulnerable.

We are committed to ensuring the security of your data. You can read more about our security and data protection policies on our security page.

Getting Started is Easy

Here’s a story that I see frequently in commissioning firms: company management, or perhaps a project manager, can see that there is a lot of time being lost in coordinating issue logs, transcribing information, and compiling reports. Worse still, the problems in these areas are causing delays, missed issues, and cost overruns. They know that they can fix a lot of these problems by adopting commissioning management software, but they are held back by fear. “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know”, as the saying goes. The fears are rational – their root is in very real questions: How much time will it take to adopt? How long to roll it out? How long to train everyone? How many mistakes will be made along the way? How will new employees be trained? Will I be able to carry over my existing processes? How about my forms?

At CxAlloy, we understand these concerns. That’s why we have architected our software to address them, and why we have built and continue to evolve a training and support system to answer them.

I’d like to touch on just a few things we do to make the transition to CxAlloy TQ as painless as possible, so you can start enjoying the benefits faster.

Sensible Defaults

Many aspects of CxAlloy TQ can be customized. Customization is great because it lets you work the way you want, but customization isn’t so great when you have to spend hours fiddling with settings before you can start really working. CxAlloy TQ avoids this customization trap by starting you out with sensible defaults. You avoid the hassle of all that configuration, and you can get started right away with a default setup that has been proven to work well over hundreds of projects. Then, over time, you can make adjustments based on your experience.

Any new CxAlloy TQ account is also started with proven checklist and test templates for common equipment such as air handling units, boilers, chillers, and more. The templates are yours: use them, modify them, even delete them. It’s just another way we help you hit the ground running.

Foolproof Imports

You’ve probably built up a library of tens or hundreds of checklists, tests, and other forms. You don’t have to leave those behind when you adopt commissioning software. Instead, import them as templates and unleash their potential. As templates you can easily use them across multiple projects, and with our batch creation system one template can generate hundreds of checklists. Word and Excel can’t do this.

Our import is designed to “just work”. It allows importing any worksheet in your Excel file, any set of columns or rows, and can even import cell formatting.

Personalized Training Included

Every new subscriber to CxAlloy TQ is provided with up to four hours of training. These sessions are in your control, from who attends to what topics to cover. We’ll work with you to make sure your team is ready to go from day one.

Ongoing Training Included, Too

And now training isn’t limited to just those initial four hours. We offer free monthly training sessions that can be attended by any user, even contractors or others outside your organization.

These one-hour sessions focus on a specific role in a project (such as the commissioning authority who needs to create project content or the contractor who needs to fill out checklists in the field) and walk through how to complete those tasks.

We’ll hold your hand

Well, not literally. But we’ll do everything we can to ensure your transition to CxAlloy TQ is seamless so you can start enjoying the benefits right away. This is only a few highlights of what we offer. If you’d like to learn about all the ways we can benefit you, please visit or contact us at

Get Visibility into Your Commissioning Projects

Why use CxAlloy TQ for your commissioning projects? Because right now you are blind.

You email checklists to the contractor or send out an issues log. You don’t know when they are being filled out, if they are being filled out, or who is filling them out. You don’t know if the issues are being addressed. When you finally do get some checklists back or an updated issues log with responses, you don’t know if those were thrown together that morning or if they happened a week ago.

It doesn’t have to be this way. CxAlloy TQ can provide transparency about what’s happening on your project. It can give visibility into project progress in real-time.

Turn Back Time

Every action in your project is recorded. Who did it, when they did it, and what they did. Every issue created, comment edited, and status changed. Everything. This detailed tracking allows you to know exactly when a checklist is completed and by whom. It lets you see not only an issue as it is today, but how it started, and every modification along the way.

This information isn’t just buried at the bottom of reports, either. It also powers our email notifications which can alert you the moment an important change happens.

This level of information, recorded as it happens, changes how team members approach the project. It engages them to respond promptly, and communicates the momentum of the project.


Be All Knowing

Does the thought of the project owner asking for a comprehensive status report fill you with dread? Do you have to “reconcile” and “compile” your reports? These are common activities at many commissioning firms that can take tremendous amounts of time. They represent an effort to cut through the fog around the project to have at least a temporary view of where things stand.

CxAlloy TQ flips this approach on its head. Rather than operating most of the time without a clear picture of progress, CxAlloy TQ enables ongoing visibility into project status. Reporting is no longer about reconciling and compiling, but instead becomes merely about capturing a snapshot of the project at that moment in time. With our comprehensive reporting tools, generating that snapshot is easy and quick.

Learn More

Project visibility is just one of the many benefits of using CxAlloy TQ. If you’d like to learn more, please visit or contact us at

Email Notifications

We know that many of you have not been receiving email notifications for some time. For anyone that has experienced that, I apologize. As we’ve grown our previous approach to sending emails became overwhelmed. We have been working to revamp our email notifications to address the issues, and I’m happy to say that starting today you will receive all the email notifications you are subscribed to.

Email notifications allow you to be emailed when something important happens with an issue, checklist, test, or other item you created, are assigned to, or are watching.

You can choose to receive these emails immediately (within five minutes) after the action happens, or combine them into a once- or twice-daily email. You can also choose what you want to be notified about. For example, if you are creating a lot of items, notifications about items you’ve created may be too much. In that case you might want to turn off notifications for those items. To manage your email notifications, visit your profile page.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Meet Our New iOS App


We’re excited to announce the CxAlloy TQ iOS app, available on the Apple App Store!

CxAlloy TQ for iPhone and iPad focuses on delivering great offline functionality. Create field observations and issues, respond to existing issues, complete checklists, add photos, and view related photos and files. All without an internet connection!

For the first time we now support the iPhone in addition to the iPad. Using the power of these devices the app enables you to work quickly and efficiently.

In addition to these fundamental features, which are also available in our previous offline version, the iOS version features many improvements. These include:

  • Multiple project download
  • Automatic sync with configurable sync interval
  • “Sync Now” button
  • Multitasking support – leave the app and come back without losing your place
  • Project dashboard
  • Download and view related photos and files for issues and checklists
  • Improved performance

We think you’ll like it.

Get it on the App Store

Android and Windows Support

The mobile offline app that you have been using for the past year will continue to be vital to us, as it works across Windows and Android devices, and many of our customers use Windows and Android devices in the field. With the release of the iOS app, we are rebranding the previous app as “CxAlloy TQ for Chrome”. Going forward CxAlloy TQ for Chrome will focus exclusively on working via the Chrome browser across Windows and Android.

Functional Tests and Upcoming Updates

The iOS app does not currently support functional tests. Our next big update, coming before the fall, will add functional tests.

We will be updating the app regularly – we’ve already released several minor updates since our soft launch two months ago.

Mobile is Key

In the long term we believe that our mobile products will become only more important. They will be where our customers spend much of their time and where some of the most critical work is done. This app is another stone in the foundation we are building to support that future.

See you at NCBC!

We hope to see you at NCBC next week! We’ll be there showing off our new app, CxAlloy TQ for iPhone and iPad. We think you are going to love it.

The new app, available soon for both iPhone and iPad, was built from the ground up for offline use. It features incredibly easy automatic sync, fast performance, and some new functionality that we think you’ll love.

We don’t just want to show you what we’ve been doing, though. We want to hear about what you’re doing! Whether you are a current customer or not, we want to hear from you. What would make your commissioning work easier? What would help you deliver more value to your clients? Our mission is to make you more productive and effective, so let us know how we can better make that happen.

See you soon!

CxAlloy Was Not Affected by “Heartbleed” Security Vulnerability

You may have heard about a significant internet security vulnerability, named “Heartbleed”, that was disclosed on Tuesday, April 8. CxAlloy products, including CxAlloy TQ and CxAlloy FM, were not affected by this vulnerability.

The security vulnerability affected OpenSSL, a common component of secure browser connections and one in use by many internet sites. Affected sites could potentially be compromised to expose user data, including passwords or other sensitive information.

While CxAlloy does use OpenSSL as part of providing our secure connections, we do not use a version of the software that contained the vulnerability.

Although CxAlloy data was not exposed by this bug, other sites’ data may have been. If you use the same password across multiple sites, your password may have been exposed elsewhere. For that reason you may want to reset your password on CxAlloy TQ and CxAlloy FM.

CxAlloy TQ Password Reset

CxAlloy FM Password Reset

The ROI of Commissioning Software

In talking with our customers I find that many are concerned about their return on investment, or ROI, with adopting commissioning software. Their concern is generally not with CxAlloy TQ specifically, but rather with the whole concept of commissioning software. As a typical example, they may be currently using Excel, Word, and email as their “commissioning software’ which comes at no additional cost, is highly flexible, and which all their associates are already familiar with. Why invest in new software and the concomitant training and growing pains it brings?

“Is it really worth it?” they ask. They are at the beginning of the journey, unsure of that first step. But while they vacillate, we have become only more resolute in our answer: Yes! As ones that have experienced the journey with many firms, we have a clear view of the immense benefits made possible by commissioning software.

The Benefits of Commissioning Software

What are the benefits? How can it possibly be worth the software cost and training time? Let’s look at what a firm, fully up-to-speed with commissioning software, will be able to do for their clients:

  • Deliver organized, searchable, and linked final commissioning reports containing all project data with near-zero administrative work.
  • Deliver standardized, importable asset data for import into the owner’s CMMS system, saving their facility group hours of unnecessary data entry.
  • Send out formatted site visit reports (including photos) before even leaving the site.
  • Automatically notify interested parties of the completion of functional tests, checklists, and issues, in realtime, as they are completed.
  • Generate up-to-the-minute status reports at any time and at any point in the project.
  • Send out automatic daily progress reports.

The benefits of commissioning software are actually two-fold. The first is in what it makes possible to deliver, highlighted above. The second is the efficiencies it can create in delivering it. Let’s look at the efficiencies the commissioning firm will be able to leverage internally:

  • Eliminate the need to coordinate multiple issues logs or multiple versions of the issues log.
  • Quickly and easily create checklists and functional tests from a company library of standardized templates.
  • Eliminate duplicate data entry by syncing field-entered data. No more need to spend hours back at the hotel transferring notes into a report.
  • Be notified of changes as they happen, minimizing the impact of mistakes.
  • Push work out to the person best positioned to do it. For example, instead of transcribing, uploading, or organizing contractor checklists, have contractors fill them out directly in the system.

Finally, we can look at the problems that commissioning firms may currently encounter that are avoided with the adoption of commissioning software:

  • Incomplete information for all or some project participants due to separately tracked, unconsolidated issue logs.
  • Time delays in getting new issues to all project team members.
  • Inaccurate or incomplete picture of project status.
  • Brand dilution from inconsistent report formatting and branding.
  • Administrative overhead of consolidating and coordinating reports from contractors, commissioning authorities, and others.

Effectively implemented, commissioning software has the potential to enable a firm to take on more work, with no drop in quality or often an increase in quality. It can vastly reduce the administrative overhead of the firm, increase the proportion of time that commissioning authorities spend using their expertise rather than doing paperwork, and deliver a level of service to the owner that is not possible with traditional methods.

What About Costs?

Of course, benefits, no matter how great, do not equal ROI. It’s only when the benefits exceed the cost that real value is generated. You’ll want to look at each offering’s price structure, training package, and ability to adapt to your approach to determine the exact ROI.

At CxAlloy we want to make the evaluation easy by offering a simple pricing model, free training, a focus on ease-of-use, and intuitive but extensive configuration options.

There’s Still Time

The software revolution is only starting in the commissioning industry. A firm exclusively using Microsoft Office and email may well compete for several more years, albeit with lower margins, but eventually the impediment will be too great to overcome. When the time comes that the only way to effectively compete is to leverage these technologies, wouldn’t you rather be a firm with years of experience in using them?

We believe that the trajectory of the industry is clear; the benefits are unmistakable. We are striving to be at the forefront of these incredible changes. If you want to know more, please visit our site,, email us at, or call us at 855-312-0096.

A Note From the Designer: Looking Forward

The latest update to CxAlloy TQ has some noticeable changes. We’ve flattened our design, reduced shadows and gradients, and simplified our color palette.

Why the big change? Not only does the simplified design move us towards a more modern look, but it also helps us prepare for another big feature coming in the next year.

The design changes included consolidating our color palette. In the coming year, we will be releasing features that will allow you to customize the site colors. In other words, not only will you be able to change our logo to yours with our white labeling features, but you’ll also be able to change our blues and oranges to your own company colors. You’ll truly be able to make CxAlloy your own.

We’ll continue to develop branding and style customization features because our mission with CxAlloy TQ is to aid commissioning firms in achieving greater success. With that in mind, we don’t want to alter or muddle your brand, we want to amplify it.

We hope these new features will help strengthen your brand, and we certainly hope that you are as excited about the coming features as we are!

A Note From the Designer: Looking Forward

Elysia Hwang
Lead Designer